WASC Accreditation

WASC Visit Update


Thank you, St. Albans Family!


Yesterday, our staff received the final report from our WASC visiting team members. They noted again and again how impressed they were with everyone that they met, from our students to our current and alumni parents, teaching staff, leadership, and executive and SAPA board members.


We would like to both commend and thank each of you. The education provided at St. Albans is only accomplished through partnership with you as a parent. Your dedication helps set our school apart in many ways. We would like to send a special thank you to every parent who participated in the WASC process; your honest and authentic responses spoke volumes to our visiting committee members.


Though we will not receive the official commendation until this summer, we wanted to share a little of what we heard from the Visiting Committee yesterday. The Visiting Committee noted many times that St. Albans is a thriving school community. They shared that the "family feel" of St. Albans was evident regardless of whether they were speaking to students, staff, parents, or school administrators, and that our students are receiving an exceptional, well-rounded education.


Preliminary Written Report Highlights

In their written report, the WASC team provided us with direct feedback in key areas of strength that support high student achievement, clear purpose and schoolwide goals, and dedication to an on-going school improvement process. We are very proud to share that the Visiting Committee ranked our school HIGHLY EFFECTIVE in all areas of the evaluation, this is the highest possible marks a school can receive.


Areas of Strength:

·     Strong culture of excellence and of caring for individual students held by teachers and the Heads of School.

·     Tradition and expectation of academic excellence evidenced by SAT 10 results, feedback from high school and alumni placements.

·     Strong governing body and procedures.

·     Caring, well qualified staff who are invested in student learning.

·     Culture of collaboration across the governing body, school staff, and parents.

·     Professional development is encouraged, supported, and focused on student learning.

·     Parents and alumni are invested in the financial well-being of the school and give a high degree of support.

·     The standards based curriculum is clearly defined through curriculum guides.

·     High level of collaboration and articulation from grade to grade on into high school to ensure smooth transitions as well as readiness.

·     Staff regularly assesses the effectiveness of curriculum and materials used and is encouraged to look for more effective practices to achieve the best results in all areas of curriculum.

·     The school uses data from assessment to drive instruction and curriculum decisions.

·     The school uses a variety of teaching and assessment modalities to increase engagement and access for all learners, including oral and creative experiences.

·     Standards based curriculum supports and is tied to Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (goals).

·     Teachers are available to help students in all areas before, during, and after school as needed.

·     Technology is integrated across the curriculum in meaningful ways. Digital technology tools and tech-based skill sets provide future career pathways.

·     Spanish, Art, Theater and Music instruction is a valued part of the instructional program for all students.

·     A wonderful array of extracurricular activities are available for all students.

·     Core reading materials and the Junior Great Books program include diverse authors, voices, and perspectives.

·     High degree of trust and partnership between families and the school.

·     Teacher to parent and parent to teacher communication is strong and positive. There is true evidence of teamwork in ensuring student success and access.

·     There are many events to bring families to the campus: Open House, Back to School Night, Award Ceremonies, Grandparents and Special Friends Day, and seasonal performances by students.

·     Staff members are in constant communication with one another about their students, teaching strategies being used, and latest research.

·     St. Albans has a thriving school community with high parental/caregiver participation and a healthy, open-channel of rapport with families and the wider community.


We have always believed that St. Albans is a special place to learn and grow. We are very proud that the WASC visiting committee saw our school in this same light.


Thank you again, for being such an important part of the St. Albans family. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email us.




Mrs. Laura Bernauer, Head of School

Mrs. Angie Tennison, Assistant Head of School